Saturday, October 19, 2013


discovering flowers on the trees

And when all activity deserts me
And when I’m left with this stillness
All That Is descends and overcomes me
It is a love that tears the heart open
That rips it like fabric, even as a veil is torn.
The too-muchness, the torrent of a truth
That overflows its categories
That bashes the riverbanks of duality
Into subatomic particles.
In this moment, I know
All I can do is allow its extraordinary flow
I cannot attempt to grasp or understand.

My mind lays on the river’s edge, cast aside,
As useless as a ventriloquist’s dummy.

And I watch my blood turn to sparks of Light
I am Her, and then me again.
She is beautiful, the one who gives shelter
Who has seen death and is still shining
Resplendent, she comes to be here
Arms open, she comes to hold the children
To rock us and love us and sing us her soft truth
Even seeing what she’s seen
Even knowing what she knows
She chooses to walk the Earth
To return, to differentiate from Source

For love, for love, for love.

-Sara D.


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