Monday, September 2, 2013

The blight

blighted plants

Black, acrid, destructive.
Destroying the untended.
Fruits and flowers lost.
Maintenance, vigilance, is key.
Your soul, your being, is alive.



  1. first gave me the impression of anger; however the last sentence tells me you are prescribing a remedy...

    1. Hi Diana! Thanks for reading! I like the simplicity of this poem, but it definitely has several layers to it. I will pass your comments along to the poem's author (Aaron). Thanks for visiting! :-)

    2. @ Diana Mary Sharpton, You are dead on. My own blight was self induced, and anger and selfishness centered. Im just thankful that I grew up and realized all things worth keeping take care and maintenance. thank you so much for your input, it was really how I was feeling at the time. :)


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